Public speaking may be part of your professional or personal life. Do you enjoy giving speeches and presentations or does the thought of speaking in front of others terrify you? If public speaking makes you feel anxious, apprehensive, or makes you want to run for the nearest exit, the following three tips could make all the difference and turn you into a confident and charismatic public speaker.

  1. Care about your Audience – While preparing for your speech, consider your audience. Meditate for a few minutes on their potential problems or how happy the audience will be if you give them the inspiration they need or a solution that will help them. Focusing on the audience will keep you from feeling self-conscious and will keep you from talking about yourself too much. If you get passionate about delivering a solution, you will forget about your anxiety. Try to understand their fears, desires, passions and goals, and speak to those.
  2. Be well prepared and ready for mistakes – No one is perfect. Just accept that you will make some mistakes. If you don’t make a big deal about the mistake, no one will remember it. If you accept the fact that you will make some mistakes, then you won’t focus on it. You will focus on the message. You should never make mistakes due to a lack of preparation, however. That is laziness. If you are well prepared and know you will make a mistake or two, you won’t sweat it and will instead move on.
  3. Start with the end in mind – Write down a phrase for what you ultimately want to accomplish and keep it in front of you during your entire speech. Too many people get sidetracked and forget to deliver their key point. If you are not concentrating on where you want to land, you will come across as unfocused and will lose people along the way. Additionally, keep in mind that most people can deliver one truth or pitch one product effectively.

If you follow these three tips, you can become a dynamic public speaker. You will leave your anxiety behind, increase your focus and deliver what you intend.